You can skip the "compiler" subdirectory and anything which has "test" in
the name.  You will need to provide your own config.h -- if you use MSVC
then you can copy the one in the vsprojects directory.

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:44 AM, bart van deenen

> Hi this question is stupid I know :-)
> I've succesfully built an application with a shared library, that uses
> protobuf. No problem whatsoever, on LINUX! Now I have to get the
> Windows guys involved in it, and they know nothing about shared
> libraries, linker paths and such. Well neither do I but I don't use
> Windows, so I have an excuse.
> I use Qt, which has qmake which generates Makefiles. Can I just
> compile the files in the protobuf directory directly, and just link
> with the object files? Which files would I need? All files, are there
> files that I can skip?
> .
> |-- google
> |   `-- protobuf
> |       |-- compiler
> |       |   |-- cpp
> |       |   |-- java
> |       |   `-- python
> |       |-- io
> |       |-- stubs
> |       |-- testdata
> |       `-- testing
> `-- solaris
> I figure that by doing it this way, the Windows guys can just open my
> Qt project file, and compile the whole application (including
> protobuf) with the same mingw compiler.
> Any hints?
> Thanks
> Bart van Deenen
> >

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