I've updated the error message in rev 233.
The symlink issue is a serious one.  If we simply used realpath() to
canonicalize paths then it would essentially prevent people from using any
symlinks at all in their source tree, which I think in an unacceptable
limitation.  Lots of unix users take advantage of symlinks in their build
systems -- google included.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Artem Petakov <p.ar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Kenton,
> Thanks for the reply and for your amazing & tireless work on this library
> -- it's invaluable.
> What you point out  is exactly the problem -- the ANT Fileset tag generates
> a fully qualified path for the protocol buffers themselves, and so I have to
> also fully qualify my "proto_path" as well to make it match. I can certainly
> appreciate that it's hard to make the canonical paths work, but it does
> strike me as non-intuitive -- I'm so used to being able to give any path to
> a tool. If it's too hard, perhaps at least a warning to this effect in that
> proto_path error message would help save future users time?
> Right now the error it gives is:
> "D:\Artem\wsl-trunk\wsl_root\src\com\wsl\CardioTrainer\weightloss\weightloss.proto:
> File does not reside within any path specified using --proto_path (or -I).
>  You must specify a --proto_path which encompasses this file."
> Perhaps add: "Make sure the proto_path is an exact prefix of the file path
> to the protocol buffer."
> Hmm, I see your TODOs as well (in importer.cc), although the objection to
> realpath strikes me as somewhat less serious than the common error I am
> facing now. Your call of course. SVN has something for canonicalizing, but
> it's not super-pretty.
> http://www.google.com/codesearch/p?hl=en&sa=N&cd=1&ct=rc#yJqH5U7qc7c/subversion-1.4.0/subversion/libsvn_subr/path.c&q=svn_path_canonicalize&l=63
> // TODO(kenton):  It would be nice to handle "..", e.g. so that we can 
> figure//   out that "foo/bar.proto" is inside "baz/../foo".  However, if baz 
> is a//   symlink or doesn't exist, then things get complicated, and we 
> can't//   actually determine this without investigating the filesystem, 
> probably//   in non-portable ways.  So, we punt.//// TODO(kenton):  It would 
> be nice to use realpath() here except that it//   resolves symbolic links.  
> This could cause problems if people place//   symbolic links in their source 
> tree.  For example, if you executed://     protoc --proto_path=foo 
> foo/bar/baz.proto//   then if foo/bar is a symbolic link, foo/bar/baz.proto 
> will canonicalize//   to a path which does not appear to be under foo, and 
> thus the compiler//   will complain that baz.proto is not inside the 
> --proto_path.
> Thanks for the help,
> Artem
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Kenton Varda <ken...@google.com> wrote:
>> What is your exact protoc command line?
>> I see this in your XML:
>>   protoc --proto_path=./src --java_out=./src
>> src/com/wsl/CardioTrainer/track/*.proto
>> This may unfortunately confuse protoc, as it doesn't know that "src/" and
>> "./src/" mean the same thing.  Canonicalizing paths is surprisingly hard
>> (especially when trying to be portable), so protoc looks for exact matches.
>>  This would work better:
>>   protoc --proto_path=./src --java_out=./src
>> ./src/com/wsl/CardioTrainer/track/*.proto
>> Or this:
>>   protoc --proto_path=src --java_out=./src
>> src/com/wsl/CardioTrainer/track/*.proto
>> On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Artem <p.ar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> We're a long-time user of Java protobuffs. Just upgraded to 2.2.0 to
>>> experience the power of LITE_RUNTIME. Everything is rocking and
>>> working much faster, except for one annoying problem.
>>> If I use anything but a processed full path for the --proto_path
>>> argument, it does not work. In other words, if I use for example $
>>> {basedir}../.. it does not work, meaning it does not understand to
>>> convert the ../.. to lower directories.
>>> Is this expected behavior? I was able to work around it by having ANT
>>> process the paths (I am no ANT expert so apologies for the below):
>>>  <property name="WSL_ROOT" value="../.." />
>>>  <path id="WSL_ROOT_PATH" path="${basedir}/${WSL_ROOT}"/>
>>>  <property name="WSL_ROOT_ABSOLUTE" value="$
>>> {toString:WSL_ROOT_PATH}" />
>>>  <target name="protoc-trackproto">
>>>    <echo>Execute: protoc --proto_path=./src --java_out=./src src/com/
>>> wsl/CardioTrainer/track/*.proto</echo>
>>>    <apply executable="${full-protoc-command}" failonerror="true" >
>>>      <arg value="--proto_path=${WSL_ROOT_ABSOLUTE}/src/com/wsl/
>>> CardioTrainer/track" />
>>>      <arg value="--java_out=${WSL_ROOT}/src" />
>>>      <fileset dir="${WSL_ROOT}/src/com/wsl/CardioTrainer/track">
>>>        <include name="*.proto"/>
>>>      </fileset>
>>>    </apply>
>>>  </target>
>>> Thanks,
>>> Artem
>>> >>>

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