Can you send me a minimal self-contained example program which I can compile
and debug?  Should be just one (small) .cc file and one .proto file.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 8:40 AM, The_Glu <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I use the following prototype :
> message Find {
>   required uint64 tag = 1;
>   required Common.Hash peerID = 2;
>   required string pattern = 3;
> }
> Now:
>   Protos::Core::Find findProto;
>   findProto.set_tag(9999);
> (findProto.tag() == 9999) is true.
> findProto.DebugString() return
>  tag: 9999
>  peerID {
>    hash: "323655354"
>  }
>  pattern: "coucou"
>  )
> Great isn't it ?
> But now, if I serialize and unserialize the prototype
>      std::string output;
>      findProto.SerializeToString(&output);
>      Protos::Core::Find findMessage;
>      findMessage.ParseFromString(output);
> What do I get ?
>  tag: 30064781071
>  peerID {
>    hash: "323655354"
>  }
>  pattern: "coucou"
>  )
> Why my tag changed oO ? It's not a random value, and it's works for
> small numbers.
> I tried to change the type of tag to uint32, int32, etc. always the
> same problem.
> Thanks for your help,
> >

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