The *_generic_services options now default to false.  You must explicitly
set them to true, e.g.:

  option cc_generic_services = true;
  option java_generic_services = true;
  option py_generic_services = true;

We decided to make these off-by-default because we want to encourage RPC
implementations to provide their own code generator plugins that generate
code appropriate for that implementation, rather than relying on protoc's
least-common-denominator generic code.

The documentation has not been updated for 2.4.0 yet.

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 12:46 PM, jdoliner <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm new to protocol buffers so apologies if this is something stupid.
> (I searched the forum and didn't find anything). I'm having a problem
> getting services to compile. I have the following population.proto
> file:
> package population;
> message addrinfo {
>    required fixed32 ip = 1;
>    required uint32 port = 2;
>    required uint32 id = 3;
> }
> message Join_initial {
>    required addrinfo addr = 1;
> }
> message Join_propose {
>    required addrinfo addr = 1;
> }
> message Join_respond {
>    required bool agree = 1;
> }
> message Join_mk_official {
>    required addrinfo addr = 1;
> }
> message Join_ack_official {
> }
> message Join_welcome {
>    repeated addrinfo addrs= 1;
> }
> service JoinService {
>    rpc Join (Join_initial) returns (Join_welcome);
>    rpc Propose (Join_propose) returns (Join_respond);
>    rpc Make_official (Join_mk_official) returns (Join_ack_official);
> }
> And when I compile it with:
> protoc --cpp_out=. population.proto
> I get population.pb.{cc|h} but nowhere in either one is there mention
> of the JoinService class. Am I doing something wrong?
> My libprotoc version is 2.4.0.
> Thanks.
> --
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