Hi All,

I am fairly new to protobufs, so please bear with me. I am receiving
protobuf messages that were compiled for C++ and I need to read them
in Java. They are created WITHOUT descriptors by the provider and I
cannot change that but I do have access to the base .proto files that
the messages were based on.

My questions are:

1) What is the best/fastest way to generate the file descriptor(s)
into Java? This should be equal to calling importer.import in C++
based on what I have read.
2) I assume that question 1 will involve a call out to protoc from
Java. If so, how should that look in general and what command/options
should be used? My goal is to get the file descriptor, after which I
can get everything else from within Java
3) Is there any way to do this without the protoc callout? I am pretty
sure there is not, but since I am here, I'll ask.

I should mention that I can already get the routing key from within
Java without the descriptor, so I can parse that to determine what
base proto file that I need the descriptor for.

Thanks in advance,

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