Cross-posted from

Hello, Google Protocol Buffers team!

I see it's almost the time of year again for another protocol buffers 
release, more or less. I was wondering, before you do the release is there 
any chance you could look at my patches for these issues in the public bug 
tracker and tell me why they've apparently been silently rejected? : ByteString should 
be Serializable : Repetitive code 
adding to extension registry trips over java compiler's method limits : An excessive 
number of messages in a single file can also generate uncompilably large 

(Those last two bugs have a combined patch in a comment to bug 501)

>From my perspective I've gotten no feedback at all since filing the 
bugs/patches, except that the first bug was marked "accepted", though I can 
also look in the subversion repo and see that these patches haven't been 
applied. I'd like to know if these bugs are going to be addressed at all, 
and whether there's something inadequate about my patches.

I realize that neither I nor my employer give Google a single cent for 
this, but it would be nice to have some way to distinguish the effect of 
filing a bug (with patch) to the bug tracker from the effect of printing 
out my patch and dropping it in the shredder.

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