
I have a bit of issue for serializing in C and deserializing it in python,

I defined a message to carry data, serialize it into array in C, then send 
it over to python (via ctype).

I noticed that since the serialized array may contains 0 (zero) values, It 
is better of to send as array of int to python,
otherwise truncated message would be transferred ( python expects strings 
are NULL terminated ). In this case
when I receive an array of int values in python, I don't know how to 
reconstruct a string from those values and feed it to ParseFromString()
because ParseFromString() does not accept array_of_int, because it does not 
have len(). I can not build a string in python especially some of the 
values are negative and python does not let me convert negative value to 

Any comment ?


message siftOut{
message keypoint {
required float x = 1;
repeated float descr= 2 [packed=true];
repeated keypoint keypoints= 1;
} ; 
When I filled a message such as:

siftOut vFrmDescr;
siftOut_keypoint *frmDescr = vFrmDescr.add_keypoints();
int l ;
frmDescr->set_x ( (float) k -> x );
for (l = 0 ; l < 128 ; ++l) {
frmDescr->add_descr (   (512.0 * descr [l]) ) ;

char * charOut = new char[vFrmDescr.ByteSize()];

vFrmDescr.SerializeToArray( charOut , vFrmDescr.ByteSize()); 

and send it to python

in python
           LIB = cdll[_loc]
            LIB.protoBufFunc.argtypes =[c_char_p , c_int32 ]
            LIB.protoBufFunc.restype  = POINTER(c_int32)
            stDescriptors = LIB.protoBufFunc( " A sample dataa in string 
format " , 50 );

 Now how can I use parsefromString() in python to read  stDescriptors  ?

Appreciate your help in advance.


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