Thanks Jon, for pointing out what should have been clear was an unportable 
approach. <facepalm>

I will try the fine-grained protos approach demonstrated by Jorge.


On Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 2:48:20 AM UTC-5, Jon Skeet wrote:
> This is the step that makes everything completely unportable:
> Call ObjectToByteArray extension method, which uses the .Net 
>> BinaryFormatter class (and MemoryStream) to convert the object to a byte 
>> array (byte[] in .Net)
> That's like using ObjectOutputStream in Java. I would definitely *not* expect 
> to be able to deserialize that data usefully in Objective C.
> It sounds like instead of a bytes field, you should probably use an Any 
> field... or some other message type with a oneof { int32, int64, double, 
> string} or whatever you need. Fundamentally, you'll need to stick to protos 
> everywhere though.
> (As an aside, if you have any usability feedback on the C# protobuf 
> experience, now is the time to tell me so I can try to smooth out any 
> points of friction before release!)
> Jon
> On 12 November 2015 at 03:18, Thomas Van Lenten < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I can't say I know C# to comment much on that side of things.  It does 
>> sorta look like you are using something more native to those objects for 
>> serializing into a blob, and simply using a proto to try and package the 
>> row & col counts along with the blob.  It probably would make more sense to 
>> do something like Jorge suggests and use protos for the full packaging 
>> rather than just the outer packaging.
>> TVL
>> On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 8:42 PM, Rob Cecil < 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 8:41:36 PM UTC-5, Rob Cecil wrote:
>>>> Interesting solution. I will definitely try that approach as I'm 
>>>> getting no where to continue with my current tack. I'm not sure how 
>>>> familiar your are with the .Net side of things, but this how it is working 
>>>> for me so far. I have a server implementation (currently just brutally 
>>>> simple - using console projects) and a WPF test client that currently 
>>>> works 
>>>> with my defined *RangeData* protobuf, including the bytes field.
>>>> On the server side this what I do (narrating the 
>>>> CommonTypeExtensions.ToRangeData method in the debugger screenshot - 
>>>> attached)
>>>>        public static RangeData ToRangeData(this object[] source)
>>>>         {
>>>>             var result = new RangeData();
>>>>             result.Rows = (int)source[0];
>>>>             result.Columns = (int)source[1];
>>>>             var formatted = ObjectToByteArray(source[2]);
>>>>             result.Data = ByteString.CopyFrom(formatted);
>>>>             return result;
>>>>         }
>>>> - Get an object "blob", just an untyped object array (from db source, 
>>>> see attached image of VS debugger watch window showing "source" that is 
>>>> visible when the debugger stops in the ToRangeData() extension method).
>>>> - Call ObjectToByteArray extension method, which uses the .Net 
>>>> BinaryFormatter class (and MemoryStream) to convert the object to a 
>>>> byte array (byte[] in .Net)
>>>> - Call Protobuf's ByteString.CopyFrom() factory method to generate the 
>>>> ByteString data and stuff that into the *RangeData* object.
>>>> On the reverse side, in the WPF client (not completely shown in 
>>>> screenshots):
>>>>             var ba = rangeData.Data.ToByteArray();
>>>>             var array = (Array)ba.FromByteArrayToObject();
>>>>             ViewData = new ViewData((object[,])array);
>>>> - Get the *RangeData* instance from Protobufs, including ByteString 
>>>> instance in the data field.
>>>> - Call rangeData.Data.ToByteArray() to convert ByteString to byte[] 
>>>> array. ToByteArray() is Protobufs provided method.
>>>> - Call FromByteArrayToObject (in the CommonTypeExtensions.cs class, 
>>>> partially shown in screenshot), which uses the BinaryFormatter (and 
>>>> MemoryStream) in .Net to convert the byte[] array into a CLR "Object"
>>>> - Cast Object to Array, then cast to object[,] two-dimensional array 
>>>> ("ViewData", which makes the data more consumable to a WPF DataGrid).
>>>> That is how it is working in .Net/C#.
>>>> With the Objective-C side of things, I have a NSData, instead of the 
>>>> ByteString. I know the #rows and #columns. I just don't  know the 
>>>> techniques to do the analogous thing in objective-c (or Swift).
>>>> Thanks
>>>> On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 7:42:21 PM UTC-5, Jorge Luis 
>>>> Canizales Diaz wrote:
>>>>> [CC: Jon for the C# side and TVL for the ObjC side]
>>>>> Hi Rob!
>>>>> when you say:
>>>>> > I am currently taking a object array in C#  and packing that into 
>>>>> the ByteString.
>>>>> How are you accomplishing that? I see from your example that the 
>>>>> elements of your array aren't proto messages, so maybe .Net has its own 
>>>>> serialization format that non-.Net languages aren't aware of? In that 
>>>>> case, 
>>>>> the only real solution I can think of would be to formalize that 
>>>>> serialization by using protos. For example:
>>>>> message RangeData { 
>>>>> int32 num_rows = 1;
>>>>> int32 num_columns = 2;
>>>>> repeated Row row = 3;
>>>>> }
>>>>> message Row {
>>>>> repeated Value value = 1;
>>>>> }
>>>>> message Value {
>>>>> oneof value {
>>>>> string text = 1;
>>>>> double number = 2;
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> or, alternatively, if you're not going to mix the strings and the 
>>>>> numbers:
>>>>> message RangeData {
>>>>> repeated string row_name = 1;
>>>>> repeated string column_name = 2;
>>>>> repeated Row row = 3;
>>>>> }
>>>>> message Row {
>>>>> repeated double value = 1;
>>>>> }
>>>>> Hope that helps,
>>>>> Jorge
>>>>> On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 9:53:11 AM UTC-8, Rob Cecil wrote:
>>>>>> I'm using the objective-c version Protobufs.
>>>>>> I have a .proto defined as
>>>>>> message RangeData { 
>>>>>> int32 rows = 1;
>>>>>> int32 columns = 2;
>>>>>> bytes data = 3;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> The server-side has been developed in C#/.Net. I'm able to 
>>>>>> successfully send/receive and unpack the data from the 'data' field 3 
>>>>>> above. In the c# port, 'bytes' are represented by a Google protobufs 
>>>>>> "ByteString" object.
>>>>>> In objective-c, they're represented as NSData instance.
>>>>>> I am currently taking a object array in C#  and packing that into the 
>>>>>> ByteString. I have a separate .Net WPF client that successfully 
>>>>>> retrieves 
>>>>>> the data from the ByteString instance.
>>>>>> The object array is essentially a two-dimensional (object[,]) array 
>>>>>> instance whose elements can be numeric, or strings of varying length.
>>>>>>     ary[0, 0] = ""
>>>>>>     ary[0, 1] = "Jan 2010"
>>>>>>     ary[0, 2] = "Feb 2010"
>>>>>>     ...
>>>>>>     ary[0, 13] = "- Year 2010"
>>>>>>     ary[1, 0] = 89544.994
>>>>>>     ary[1, 1] = 93202.257
>>>>>>     ...
>>>>>>     ary[1, 13] = 492331.908
>>>>>>     ary[2, 0] = "Report A"
>>>>>>     ...  
>>>>>>     ary[16, 13] = ...
>>>>>> The number of rows and columns for this two dimensional array are 
>>>>>> passed in an outer (Message) context.
>>>>>> What is the technique for dealing with the NSData and extracting & 
>>>>>> parsing back into an objective-c (or Swift) arrays?
>>>>>> Are there helper classes I should be aware of to help in these 
>>>>>> scenarios?
>>>>>> Thanks

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