I have many messages that can be sent between 2 processes.  All of these 
messages have a few things in common.  they all have common 'header' fields 
that identify what type of message it is, the length of the message, they 
all have varying length payloads, and they all have a correlation id.  The 
type of message is 'constant' per message.

I am looking to use proto3, and I'm not seeing any constant functionality - 

A couple questions.
1) is there a way to define that type constant per message?
eg - Message1 type=1234
      Message2 type=4444

2) is there a way to define the service method such that I only need to 
define one method that takes any of the messages that have been defined 
(similar to java's passing interface type on a method)?
eg - sendMessage(MyMessageInterface), but in actuality, it can be Message1, 
Message2, ...  

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