Issue was lowercase fields

On Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 11:19:28 AM UTC-4 Jesse Thompson wrote:

> Yikes, I feel pretty dumb. The tutorial I was watching had log.PrintF 
> typed (I know the capital F looked really weird).
> Although in regards to the unknown fields on my created sms blast I am a 
> little confused.
> I am sending an sms blast with content string and a from (User phone 
> number) from Next.js to my node.js server via (none of this 
> matters, but im saying it anyways). My goal is to send this object to my go 
> server so that go can process a twilio job with 
> On Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 11:09:36 AM UTC-4 Jesse Thompson wrote:
>> sms_server.go
>> ```
>> package main
>> import (
>>     "context"
>>     "log"
>>     "math/rand"
>>     ""
>>     "net"
>>     pb ""
>>     ""
>> )
>> const (
>>     port = ":6000"
>> )
>> type SmsManagementServer struct {
>>     pb.UnimplementedSmsManagementServer
>> }
>> func (s *SmsManagementServer) CreateNewSmsBlast(ctx context.Context, in 
>> *pb.NewMsg) (*pb.Msg, error) {
>>     log.PrintF("Received: %v, %v", in.GetContent(), in.GetFrom())
>>     jobId := uuid.New()
>>     return &pb.Msg{content: in.GetContent(), from: in.getFrom(), jobId: 
>> jobId }, nil
>> }
>> func main() {
>>     lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", port)
>>     if err != nil {
>>         log.Fatalf("Failed to listen: %v", err)
>>     }
>>     s := grpc.NewServer()
>>     pb.RegisterSmsManagementServer(s, &SmsManagementServer{})
>>     log.Printf("Server listening at %v", lis.Addr())
>>     if err := s.Serve(lis); err != nil {
>>         log.Fatalf("Failed to server: %v", err)
>>     }
>> }
>> ```
>> On line 
>> ```log.PrintF("Received: %v, %v", in.GetContent(), in.GetFrom())``` I am 
>> getting "undefined: log.PrintF go"
>> and on line 
>> ```return &pb.Msg{content: in.GetContent(), from: in.getFrom(), jobId: jobId 
>> }, nil``` 
>> I am getting "unknown field 'from' in struct literal of type 
>> tycoon_services.Msg go
>> "
>> My sms.proto is defined here 
>> ```
>> syntax = "proto3";
>> package sms;
>> option go_package = ";tycoon_services";
>> service smsManagement {
>>     rpc CreateNewSmsBlast (NewMsg) returns (Msg) {}
>> }
>> message NewMsg {
>>     string from = 1;
>>     string content = 2;
>> }
>> message Msg {
>>     string from = 1;
>>     string content = 2;
>>     int32 jobId = 3;
>> }
>> ```
>> The command I've ran to build the proto files is
>> ```
>> $ protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. 
>> --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative ./sms/sms.proto
>> ```
>> I am unsure where Im going wrong. Im more familiar with Node.js as 
>> opposed to go. Why are my log methods undefined?

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