On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 01:36:35PM -0400, Rafael Schloming wrote:
> So my general thought is that we should focus on the messenger stuff first
> for high level languages like Ruby. The main reason being that the lower
> level interfaces might want to get tweaked a bit more for performance
> reasons, whereas the messenger interface itself is higher level and
> therefore less likely to change. So given that the point of this is that
> it's a stable API, that is really the most stable place to start. I also
> think in a lot of ways the other stuff is distracting for a language like
> python or ruby and not as interesting to those communities.
> I took a look at the messenger example and I'm a little surprised not to
> see Messenger and Message exposed as objects. Granted the bindings are
> procedural because the C API is procedural, but they're pretty much begging
> to be exposed as objects. As they are it looks like you still need to do
> manual memory management, I would think by mapping the procedures into
> methods on Messenger and Message objects and by tying pn_messenger_free and
> pn_message_free into the respective destructors, we could make things a
> whole lot safer, e.g. avoid dangling pointers and the like that a user
> could use to segfault the interpreter.

Okay, I get what you're saying there. I'll switch gears at this point
and tackle a Messenger/Message framework for Ruby.

> Regarding cucumber, this is the first I've seen of or heard of it. My
> initial reaction could probably be described as mildly skeptical by someone
> prone to extreme understatement, but I'll try to keep an open mind and read
> up on it sometime soon. ;-)

I would definitely like to hear your feedback after looking at the
Cucumber website. It's a great framework that other teams I know use
regularly. We also have such tests in the old Qpid Ruby bindings as

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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