On 23 April 2015 at 14:28, Gordon Sim <g...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 04/23/2015 12:24 PM, Rafael Schloming wrote:
>> There are a couple of proton-c changes that while not as critical as the
>> proton-j stuff would make sense to go out in such a release, e.g. there is
>> a two line fix that avoids zombie connections building up when the network
>> dies in just the right way, so I'm +1 on a quick turnaround release.
> I'd like to get PROTON-850 in to that, and also ideally PROTON-858 though
> I'm still working on a fix for the latter.

Yes, PROTON-850 was definitely on my mental list, since I added a test
for proton-j (which was also affected) that I know would fail against
proton-c without it.

PROTON-858 definitely seems like it warrants inclusion if a fix is available.

> Additionally I'd like to get the python tutorial thats now on master in, as
> that just missed the last release. It's still not integrated in with the
> build, and depending on timing I may be able to get that done in time, but
> its still useful (I hope).

Including the tutorial bits definitely sounds useful too, whether
integrated or not.

Ideally in terms of timelines I'd like to put this out quickly, some
time next week.

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