On 17 August 2015 at 21:11, Flavio Percoco <fla...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Outsider question:
> Is there a reason why 0.10 is used rather than 0.10.0?

I mainly used 0.10 because it was versioned 0.10-SNAPSHOT beforehand
and had already gone through initial alpha/betas as 0.10 before I
started progressing things, so I decided against changing it during
the cycle (and potentially delaying things further..).

> I believe sticking to 3-digit versions and keep it consistent would
> make supporting scripts, bindings and even packages easier since they
> would not have to care about these 2-to-3 digit changes.


> Is that something we can change in qpid-proton ?

I'm entirely on board personally with including the extra digit all
the time (and actually using it to do more regular point releases;
when I did 0.9.1 that was really the first time any of the components
have ever had one). I have been using x.y.z format versions for the
JMS client releases from the start for precisely the reasons you
covered, so a thumbs up from me.


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