On 30 March 2016 at 11:25, Robbie Gemmell <rob...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> Many moons ago, a seperate mailing list was established for Proton,
> back when it was purely a protocol engine other components would use.
> Its scope has since expanded beyond that and the separate mailing list
> has I feel been an increasing source of confusion and hassle of late
> more than anything else. Collapsing it into the other larger existing
> lists we have (that the traffic would otherwise have been on) seems to
> me like it would be an improvement across the board, and as such I
> have called this vote.
> I would propose that discussion (such as this) would head to the
> users@q.a.o list to join the similar/related/duplicate traffic already
> present, with remaining things going to the dev@q.a.o list as
> consistent with that list (e.g JIRA, GitHub integration mails,
> ReviewBoard, though the latter was never actually directed to proton@
> to begin with..).
> Whilst redirecting JIRA etc emails should be easy enough (has been
> done before), I dont know what the precise options are regarding
> existing mail subscriptions to the list. There are significantly more
> subscribers to users@ than proton@, and many are duplicates, but some
> are not. I'd need to discuss options with infra, but first things
> first, the vote.
> I have gone straight to a vote on this because I feel this has already
> been discussed enough previously over time that many people will have
> already thought about it enough to quickly vote one way or the other,
> and it is past time to act on it if things head that way. Obviously
> things can be further discusssed at this point also if desired.
> Note that both users@ and proton@ are in the recipients. I expect the
> thread will splinter when someone forgets to reply-all, as almost all
> cross-posted thread on the lists do, but at least it can start on both
> for visibility to all.
> Robbie

Making my +1 explicit.


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