Let's say you are using 14 images each 2560x1920px (jpeg) in page but
display them only in 562x421px (width & height limited hardly), all
are absolutely positioned horizontal and can be scrolled into view
left/right, then normaly you would get at IE 3 stair painting of each
 top 30% of image first than middle 30% and last bottom 30% of image.
So this ugly "temporary image cutting" (stairs effect) occures during
scrolling those limited pictures.

If you using opacity (driven by scriptaculous Appear effect at
beginning for each image), the opacity seem to grow only upto 0.999 so
i think, the IE implementation uses the filter anyway with 99% opacity
instead of off.

If you now scroll this images, this 3 stairs effect doesn't occure!
The filter seems to ensure, that the images are drawn at once (each)
instead of 3 parts per image.

Is this issue of not reaching 1.0 opacity intended or an issue that
solves an IE issue ?

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