really the invoke calls are only necessary because i wanted to modify
the behavior of the events a little bit. i think to exactly emulate
mouseenter and mouseleave you don't need to do any of the ancestor
calculation and you only have to observe stopEvent on the element you
fire the custom event on (to or from) to stop bubbling up beyond them?
also, i'm not getting errors over the input elements on firefox.

either way it definitely puts undo strain on the browser and getting
the patch into core is definitely the way to go, i just decided to see
if i could do it with custom events when i needed it a couple weeks
ago, saw the possibility posted a few places, but could not find an


custom events are used by dispatching them via the fire method of
extended elements.  if you look at the source on the link above you
will see the code which does this.

the basic idea is to observe the mouseout event on the document since
all other mouseout events will bubble up to there.  the mouseout
observer uses properties of the event object to determine the element
the mouse came from and the element the mouse moved to. if the
relationship between these two elements suites certain conditions the
custom events 'custom:mouseenter' and 'custom:mouseleave' are fired.
the only part that was tricky was making sure the events don't bubble
past where they should, which is accomplished by attaching an observer
that stops propagation of the event on certain elements before the
event is fired, and unattaching it afterward.

to catch these events you can use Event.observe as usual (see the
Event.observe('dom:loaded') in the source).
helped me out a lot if you want more info.

On Oct 1, 5:37 pm, Nick Stakenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1 okt, 19:15, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > here's a version that uses custom 
> > events:
> Calling invoke('observe') and invoke('stopObserving') like that is
> overkill. The patch I've posted is much easier on the browser since it
> observes what's needed only once. It also doesn't errors on Firefox
> when you mouseover the input elements.
> Custom events are not the best way to implement this since custom
> events bubble. See the Lighthouse ticket for more 
> details
> --
> Nick
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