json.errors isn't an array, but an undefined object. You can't use it
like an array and casting it to $A doesn't help either. Since the
errors coming back originally were an array, you'd think this would
work, but it doesn't.

The frustration is that the original code works when json.errors has
values, but doesn't when it's empty.

The code that creates the json:
            $json = array('errors' => $fp->getErrors());

Any thoughts on how we could evaluate json.errors when it's an empty
representation( "{"errors":[]}")?


on July 17, kangax   said:
>Looks like you're creating a hash from an array (json.errors). Hash
>actually doesn't know that it's an array and happily iterates over its
>You then end up with a hash that has properties/methods from
>Array.prototype (since for/in shows prototype.js-defined
>Array.prototype methods).

>Remove hash and use a plain array (when iterating over json.errors) or
>represent your errors as an object (which is the best way to hold key/
>value pairs anyway)

>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have this snippet of code that uses the $H to create hash out of my
>> form errors. This works perfectly fine in prototype version 1.5 but
>> when I upgraded to version 1.6 it failes to work when no errors occur.
>> When I have no errors my reponse text is this "{"errors":[]}" but
>> errors.size() is always greater than 0. SHould I be doing something
>> different?

>>         onFormSuccess : function(transport)
>>         {
>>                 var json = transport.responseText.evalJSON(true);
>>                 var errors = $H(json.errors);
>>                 if (errors.size() > 0) {
>>                         this.form.down('.error').show();
>>                         errors.each(function(pair){
>>                                 this.showError(pair.key, pair.value);
>>                         }.bind(this));
>>                 }
>>                 else{
>>                         this.form.submit();
>>                 }
>>         }

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