this method form#disable()/enable() disables all form thats not what i'm

I'm searching how to disable submission on Enter key. User still can edit
text in field, he still can submit form by clicking button, but he can't
submit it with Key Enter. Everything is simple if its regular form. But how
to do that in form created by Ajax.InPlaceEditor() ?


Darius Tumas (a.k. Tokeiito)

mob.: +370 631 13666

2008/9/17 bluezehn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> There's a method on forms you want: form#disable() or form#enable().
> Then it's just a case of finding the element. You could do this
> through $$ or select() or have a look at the inplaceeditor source
> code. As I remember, the form element is stored as something like
> _form on each instance of the class. Extend the inplaceeditor and add
> a function that looks like this:
> disable: function() { this._formElement.disable(); }
> and then you can call it from wherever.
> You may also want to extend and override the function which handles
> the click on the submit button - currently the whole form dissapears
> to show the word "saving..." which I didn't like either because it
> makes validation even server side very different.
> On Sep 17, 7:43 pm, Tokeiito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I cant find any where, how to disable Ajax.InPlaceEditor(....); created
> form
> > submission when user hits Enter key.
> >
> > Respectfull,
> >
> > Darius Tumas (a.k. Tokeiito)
> >
> > mob.: +370 631
> >

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