Well, I'll be....I've just been doing that wrong all along....that
works great, TJ.....thanks.....I had some blind luck in that the first
time I did it wrong, it seemed to work for some reason.....

Works all of the time now....thanks for your help!


On Sep 22, 2:25 pm, "T.J. Crowder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> That's because you're sending the request for current_solicitations
> before you send the request for delete_solicitations (although I
> wouldn't rely on the ordering of concurrent XHR requests).  This code
> in your hidesolicitations method:
> >                         new Ajax.Updater('nlmsg', url3, {evalScripts:true,
> > onSuccess:reset_element(action)});
> ...*calls* the reset_element function immediately, passing in
> 'action', and then assigns the result of the call to the onSuccess
> option in that updater.  (As the call has no defined return value, the
> return value assigned to onSuccess is undefined.)  You probably meant
> to *define* the onSuccess handler to be a function that calls
> reset_element and passes in 'action', rather than actually doing it.
> Remember that to call a function, you provide its name followed by
> parens:  myfunction().  So reset_element(action) *calls* the
> reset_element function.  If you want to declare (but not execute) a
> function that will call reset_element when the onSuccess handler is
> triggered, this would do it:
>                           new Ajax.Updater('nlmsg', url3,
> {evalScripts:true,
>   onSuccess: function() { reset_element(action); } });
> I haven't thoroughly checked the rest of the code, but that should get
> you going.
> HTH,
> --
> T.J. Crowder
> tj / crowder software / com
> On Sep 22, 9:55 pm, SQE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Good afternoon,
> > I've read a bit about this.....but am struggling nonetheless.  In an
> > effort to hide records, when a user clicks the "hide" link
> > below....the current_solicitation file is still being called before
> > the delete_solicitation file.  I am watching this happen in Firebug,
> > so at least I can explain WHY it isn't working, but I still can't make
> > it fire the delete file first.
> > I've also tried onComplete.
> > Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
> > Thanks!
> > sqe
> > <a href="#"
> > onclick="hidesolicitation('[field:'show_id']','[var:'action']');">Hide</
> > a>
> > <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
> > <!--//
> > function hidesolicitation(showid,action)
> >                 {
> >                 var agree=confirm('Are you sure you wish to hide this 
> > show?');
> >                 if (agree)
> >                         {
> >                         var 
> > url3='/path/delete_solicitation_inline.lasso?showid=' + showid
> > + '&-session=msi:' + "[/noprocess][session_id:-name='msi']
> > [noprocess]";
> >                         new Ajax.Updater('nlmsg', url3, {evalScripts:true,
> > onSuccess:reset_element(action)});
> >                         document.getElementById("title_error").innerHTML = 
> > '<h3>Show
> > Solicitation Hidden!</h3>';
> >                         }
> >                 else
> >                         {
> >                         return false ;
> >                         }
> >                 }
> > function reset_element(action) {
> >                 alert (action);
> >                 var url4='/path/current_solicitations.lasso?action='+ 
> > action +'&-
> > session=msi:' + "[/noprocess][session_id:-name='msi'][noprocess]";
> >                 new Ajax.Updater('contentmain', url4, {evalScripts:true});
> >                 }
> >                 //-->
> > </script>
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