On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 9:03 AM, spectrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Laurent,
> Yes, it does indeed work with a flat submit, thank you very much for
> the tip. The thing is, I was hoping that somehow I would be able to
> get the PDF download starting, with optionally getting some data back
> for a callback in case something fails and I do get JSON as a
> response, which is impossible if I do a flat submit (am I wrong?). I
> guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.

unless i am missing something you won't be able to feed to the same
browser instance two different things - application/pdf and text/html
without using a response handler to parse some kind of response from
the server (prolly json would be easiest) with a textual response and
then a hidden iframe that you can redirect to a link provided in the

> Brian,
> Thank you for the Apache directive! Nice tip, although unfortunately I
> am in an environment where I can't rely on Apache directives, since I
> don't control that. Yes, I don't need AJAX to feed a file to the user,
> but as I mentioned above, I would love to have it in case something
> fails - in that case I can let the user know that something went
> wrong. Perhaps there's a way to do that which I can't see?..

see above

> We are using FPDF (http://www.fpdf.org/), which is free and suits our
> needs pretty well (generating two types of rather simple reports, as
> well as an invoice). Anything better out there?
> Best regards,
> Max

yes, something that is much more up to date (and actually still in
development) which is based on FPDF and is free

> On Oct 9, 5:34 pm, "Brian Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have been working like mad with PDFs built dynamically with PHP the last 
>> week.
>> One thing to be *absolutely* sure of is that you do not have ANY
>> output before the PDF download starts.
>> If you have Apache2 with mod_header loaded, there is a FilesMatch
>> directive to always force a download for a PDF
>> <FilesMatch "\.(?i:pdf)$">
>>   ForceType application/octet-stream
>>   Header set Content-Disposition attachment
>> </FilesMatch>
>> On a side note, you do not need AJAX for this feature to feed the user
>> a PDF file for download just set the form action to empty (same page)
>> and it should leave the page/browser right where it is with the form
>> still filled out, unless you are trying to feed a PDF to a div... you
>> aren't are you?
>> by the by which PDF library did you use to generate with?
>> On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:24 PM, lfortin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hi Max,
>> > Using Form#request with a form performs an Ajax.Request, using the
>> > inputs of the form as serialized parameters.
>> > This might not bring you the behavior you expect to have.
>> > Maybe if you simply do a flat form submit, using $
>> > ('form_pdf').submit(); with all its inputs(hidden, text, ...) pre-
>> > filled:
>> > <form id="form_pdf" action="/any/url/">
>> > <input type="hidden" name="param1" value="anything">
>> > <input type="hidden" name="param2" value="anything">
>> > ...
>> > </form>
>> > hope it helps,
>> > -Laurent
>> > On Oct 9, 3:14 pm, spectrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Hello,
>> >> I am trying to submit a form that calls PHP which generates a PDF file
>> >> and shoots it back to the user. When I do it using GET directly in the
>> >> browser address bar it works. However when I submit the form with
>> >> Prototype (either POST or GET) it doesn't:
>> >> $('form_pdf').request({ parameters: params });
>> >> I see the response headers in firebug set correctly as '        
>> >> application/x-
>> >> download' (which are set in the back-end). Furthermore, the response
>> >> tab in the firebug console shows the actual contents of the PDF file
>> >> (flat-text gibberish).
>> >> It must be something trivial, perhaps setting some parameter for the
>> >> request method. Does Prototype somehow override the headers when it
>> >> receives responses to its AJAX requests?
>> >> If anyone has ever dealt with a similar issue, any pointers are
>> >> greatly appreciated.
>> >> Regards,
>> >> Max
> >

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