On Dec 1, 1:43 pm, Walter Lee Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been working on a problem today and wanted to share the results
> here. I have a very tall list of authors on a page, and wanted to make
> a simple filter field where you could type in a few characters of the
> name and have the list shrink down to only include matches. After
> struggling for an hour or more with various different methods, I
> finally stopped trying to swim upstream and did less.
> I was using a Form.Element.Observer, but inside that function I was
> using an optimized (backwards) for loop to iterate over my found array
> of list items, and toggling visibility on each one in turn. This was
> taking forever, causing a beachball on an 8-core Mac Pro in Firefox (I
> shudder to think what would happen in a lesser Mac).
> I was looking through the various enumerable options and saw reject,
> and then select, and the lightbulb went on:
>         document.observe("dom:loaded",function(){
>                 var t = $$("#listAll li");
>                 var f = $F("filter");
>                 new Form.Element.Observer(
>                         "filter",
>                         0.2,
>                         function(el, value){
>                                 if(value != f){
>                                         t.invoke('hide');
>                                         t.select(function(elm){
>                                                 return
> elm.down('a').innerHTML.toLowerCase().include(value.toLowerCase());
>                                         }).invoke('show');
>                                         f = value;
>                                 }
>                         }
>                 )
>         });
> This behaves the way you would want it to -- so fast that the change
> doesn't register until the list starts getting very short.

I think something along these lines could be faster:

document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {

  var list = $$("#listAll li");
  var lastValue = $F("filter");

  $('filter').observe('keyup', function(e) {
    var value = this.value;
    if (value !== lastValue) {
      value = value.toLowerCase();
      list.each(function(el) {
        if (el.innerHTML.toLowerCase().include(value)) {
        else {
      lastValue = value;

> Walter

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