The div isnt allways created by click .. its called by my method/function if 
and when i need it .. this is the trouble i am having ...
At the moment ive got the method to check for a click (in my tests) and it 
finds the div (as you have put below - this was my first approach at it 
yesterday !!)... but it gets made by the function making it then immediatly 
removed by the remove handler function

// by now the element is built so observe the document
Event.observe(document, 'click', removeErrorElement);

 removeErrorElement : function() {
  if($('errortooltip')) {  // always locates because in my test i call it 
from a click
      $('errortooltip').remove(); // always removes because in my test i 
call it from a click
 //alert('Found Element');    // always alerts because in my test i call it 
from a click
      Event.stopObserving(document, 'click', removeErrorElement); // what i 
want to do here is stop observing the document for a click for that specific 
function and listen for everything else .. if this makes sense !




----- Original Message ----- 
From: "bflanagan" <>
To: "Prototype &" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:23 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Stoping observing

> Since your function is creating the div, you can put a conditional in
> it to check for the existence of the div before attempting to add it.
> Event.observe(document,'click', function() {
>    if($('divYouJustAdded'){
>       removeTheElementIJustAdded();
>    } else {
>       addTheElement();
>    }
> }
> >

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