I have a JSP page whereby I am displaying a table that contains rows
of each data record.  Each record has an icon at the beginning of each
row that when the user clicks that icon a function that I created
using the Ajax.Updater gets the data and populates another JSP page
that displays the details of that row item that I am inserting via a
<DIV ...> tag in the initial JSP and that is working great.

However, the user can click another row's icon in the initial JSP page
and the window keeps growing even though it is only displaying the
details of the next item.  I need a way to resize the window back to
where it was prior to displaying the details of that next row.  I
attempted to resize the window before running the Ajax.Updater for the
next record but when I did that the window flickers.  I would like to
be able to click another icon on that same page and just display the
next record's details without having the entire window flicker.

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.  Here is my

        function getVendorInfo(vNum) {
                window.resizeBy(0, -$('vendorInfoResults').offsetHeight);
                var url = '/common/Lookup.action';

                new Ajax.Updater('vendorInfoResults', url,
                        {method: 'get',
                                parameters: {vendorInfo: '', vendorNum: vNum},
                                onComplete: function() {

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