> With :self I could do:
>      $(x).select(':self > .mixedcontent').each(...);

I don't have anything against ":self", but I don't see why $(x).select
("> .foo") shouldn't be legal syntax.

> Right now this is the shortest I came up with, and it's not as concise
> as I'm used to with Prototype:
>      $(x).childElements().findAll(function (e) {return
> e.match('.mixedcontent')}).each(...);

Of course, if brevity is the main goal, there's always

    $$("#foo > .mixedcontent").each(...);

...but that's dramatically slower on Firefox than a $().select()
(curiously, about the same speed on IE7 and Opera9, which are all I
tried it on).

> As an aside, getElementsBySelector()'s *documentation* describes what
> I'd want in the example above, it says the method selects "extended
> children", but in fact it too seems to select descendants, not children.

getElementsBySelector is deprecated in favor of Element#select, which
is documented correctly as retrieving descendant elements (not
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On Mar 9, 9:36 am, Marc Liyanage <liyan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 09.03.2009, at 01:44, Tobie Langel wrote:
> > We'll be shifting to Sizzle pretty soon, which afaik allows (or could
> > easily be modified to allow) both behaviours.
> > Maybe we can make this opt-in for an upcoming release.
> That would be great, I can see both use cases. I also see that
> different people seem to expect different things. It would be great to
> have the implementation support both ways.
> BTW I like the idea of a :self pseudoclass a lot.
> For example, I often need to select the child (not descendant)
> elements of a given element that satisfy a given selector.
> With :self I could do:
>      $(x).select(':self > .mixedcontent').each(...);
> Right now this is the shortest I came up with, and it's not as concise
> as I'm used to with Prototype:
>      $(x).childElements().findAll(function (e) {return
> e.match('.mixedcontent')}).each(...);
> :self provides the explicit link between selector evaluation and
> context node that I find so surprising as default behavior.
> As an aside, getElementsBySelector()'s *documentation* describes what
> I'd want in the example above, it says the method selects "extended
> children", but in fact it too seems to select descendants, not children.
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