On Mar 17, 4:10 am, kangax <kan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 16, 1:13 pm, arkady <arkad...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > if trying to strip off the everything before the <body> and everything
> > after </body>
> response.replace(/.*(?=<body>)/, '').replace(/(<\/body>).*/, '$1');

That seems a bit risky, the string may not always have lower case tag
names and the body opening tag may include attributes.  New lines in
the string might trip it up too.  In any case, it doesn't work for me
at all in Firefox 3 or IE 6.

An alternative, provided all new lines are removed, is:



  response.replace(/\s/g,' ').match(/\<body.+body\>/i)[0];

A sub-string version is:

  var start = response.toLowerCase().indexOf('<body');
  var end = response.toLowerCase().indexOf('</body>') + 7;
  var theBody = response.substring(start, end)

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