2009/3/20 Richard Quadling <rquadl...@googlemail.com>:
> 2009/3/20 Jeztah <webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com>:
>> After a little playing ove the last couple of days i came up with a
>> nice easy way of shrinking many js files on the fly into 1 file ...
>> this will speed up load time heavily on heavy javascript loaded
>> sites ..... the code is php and is very simple .. it also uses
>> http://www.crockford.com/javascript/jsmin.html to achieve its goal ...
>> Now i must say in my tests sites with  3 or less large javascript
>> includes this wil not speed up much - infact it wil be slower ...
>> My tests are as follows ..
>> Using
>> Latest Prototype.js
>> Latest Scriptaculous.js
>> Latest Effects.js
>> [phpcode]
>> require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/resources/includes/server/
>> jsmin.php'); // jsmin
>> $docroot=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
>> // array values need changing to reflect your include path(s)
>> $jsArray=array( "p"=>"$docroot/resources/includes/client/proto.js",
>> "f"=>"$docroot/resources/includes/client/functions.js",
>> "s"=>"$docroot/resources/includes/client/scriptaculous.js",
>> "e"=>"$docroot/resources/includes/client/effects.js"
>>                                                                );
>> $required_js=explode(",",$_GET['load']);
>> foreach($required_js as $reqkey=>$reqvalue) {
>>                echo JSMin::minify(file_get_contents($jsArray[$reqvalue]));
>> }
>> [/phpcode]
>> Usage:
>> URI -> js_load_min.php?load=p,s,e,f
>> will go through the array and find the relevant files, then echo them
>> out into one big file (minified on the fly) - this gets round the "2
>> requests per domain Async" loading issues some people have with
>> multiple CDNS and lots of remote images/includes - it can easily be
>> ported to get the files remotely and some caching of some sort would
>> easily be added ...
>> On my test i loaded 5 javascript files from the same server as the
>> page on thier own and page load was 4 seconds ... after using the
>> above code i got the load time down to averageing 1.5 seconds per
>> refresh.
>> Then testing with only 3 files (prototype,scriptac,effects) the normal
>> load method was around 1.8 seconds on 1st load, then dropped to 0.8
>> (AVG) per refresh .. while the method above was 1.5 seconds on every
>> load and refresh
>> Someone may find this usefull / interesting and perhaps likes the
>> concept and may want to do something with it, i dont have time at the
>> moment !!!
>> Regards
>> Alex
>> >>
> http://rakaz.nl/item/make_your_pages_load_faster_by_combining_and_compressing_javascript_and_css_files
> --
> -----
> Richard Quadling
> Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
> "Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

I had to do some minor mods for IE6 to this. But it works REALLY well.

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"

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