Are you absolutely sure that your server is returning UTF-8 text to  
you? Look in Firebug at the actual response headers and see to be sure.

If you're on Apache, there is a preference for auto-charset that you  
have to tweak or disable, and if you're using a PHP back-end, you  
often have to go through a couple of hoops to force the output to be  
UTF-8. In my own framework, this starts by sending a SQL query to the  
database to force the connection to UTF-8, followed by making sure  
that all of my scripts are themselves saved as UTF-8, and often also  
sending a Content-type/charset header before every print to the  
screen, just to overstate the obvious to Apache.


On Mar 31, 2009, at 6:24 PM, Jérémie wrote:

> Hello eveyone,
> Today I have experimented a weird behaviour with Ajax stuff in
> prototype :
> Having the JS code above, I retrieve a UTF-8 HTML fragment with
> special chars like é, à , ù, etc :
>    var cible = '/lib/ajax/chargementGrille'
>            + ('S' == modeAffichage ? 'Secretaire' : '')
>            + '.php';
>    new Ajax.Request(
>        cible,
>        {
>            encoding   : 'UTF-8',
>            postBody   : data,
>            onComplete : function(transport) {
>                try {
>                    $('grille').innerHTML = transport.responseText;
>                   ... // some additionnal treatment ...
>               } catch(e) {
>                   console.log(e);
>               }
>           }
>       }
>   );
> My response headers indicate that I receive UTF- 8 text/html data, as
> expected, but
> the fact is that the chars are displayed properly until I reach the
> line
> $('grille').innerHTML = transport.responseText;. Then they are
> replaced with é", "î", ...
> It's clearly shown by executing the JS code line by line with Firebug.
> If I delete this line, everything is OK, but how the hell Javascript
> knows that I want this portin of HTLM code replaced by the one
> received byh AJAX ?
> The same thing happens directly with an Ajax.Updater function, without
> any onComplete block....
> Please help, I've spent so many time to find out the trick....
> Thanks in advance,
> Jérémie
> >

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