you forgot to add "lol" every second line....

No, we don't want to do your homework for you.

On 14-05-2009 14:49, ColinFine wrote:
> On May 13, 7:01 pm, cmscardoso <> wrote:
>> What I want to do is create a mobile website.
>> In the page I want to show the logo, and, first, a combobox with some
>> options, and when one of that options is selected, than a second
>> combobox should appear (without the need of the page to refresh all
>> the contents) with other options. The user than should select an
>> option in the second combobox, and the combination of that two options
>> should then call (via ajax or json or something like that lol I think)
>> an html with some text info, again, without reloading all those
>> things.
>> Is it possible?
> Yes, certainly it's possible. But I don't think many people here will
> be willing to just write it for you, and if you are asking if it is
> possible, then that suggests that you do not know much about website
> programming.
> I suggest you work through some Javascript (and Ajax) tutorials.
> Colin
> >

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