
thx a lot for your help.


"doesn't work" means it returns NULL ;)
But of course, you are right.

I already feared that the "A string is not a document/DOM" is the main

@T.J. Crowder

thx! I'll try this soon, it looks promising :)

I already created a regEx solution but it's too unflexible for my
needs (handle "div","li',"span",...alt...title tags..maybe additional
style info and so on.... makes the regEx quite hard ..)

On 15 Jun., 13:41, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> As Colin points out, you're trying to treat a String object like a
> Document (by calling getElementById), which isn't going to work.
> You have a couple of options.
> 1. Use string parsing to isolate the markup in that string for the
> element you want.  Once you have just that markup, you can use that
> with the #update call.  This could be fairly challenging to do in the
> general case (or maybe you have massive Regex fu), but perhaps in your
> specific case it might be simpler.
> 2. Alternately, use a document fragment[1][2].  This is to a large
> extent what document fragments are for -- holding copies of things and
> mucking about with them off-to-the-side.  I was surprised not to have
> an example lying around and wanted to refresh my memory, so here's a
> small example:
> http://pastie.org/512428
> (Supply your own 'fragment2.html'; it can be any valid HTML doc, make
> sure it has an element with the ID 'two' in it -- or change the ID
> used in the example.)
> Basically, I request the page via Ajax.Request, then create a fragment
> to hold the result and (because I'm lazy) a div inside that fragment
> so that I can use Prototype's Element#update function.  I put the
> retrieved document inside the div (almost certainly creating a
> completely invalid document temporarily!), then go find the element
> inside that with the ID I want, and update a target div with that
> element.
> Note this line:
>     elm = findElementByID(div, 'two');
> I coded up a quick recursive-descent lookup function for finding the
> element by ID because you can't use document.getElementById (or
> Prototype's $) to find it in the fragment -- the fragment isn't in the
> document (which is probably a good thing, otherwise you'd be massively
> worried about ID conflicts loading up an entire page like this).
> Interestingly, if you're using Prototype 1.6.1 RC2, you could (as of
> the time of this writing) use:
>     elm = div.select('#two');
> ...instead, because apparently Prototype's new Sizzle-based selector
> engine finds the element correctly, wheras in the old selector
> engine doesn't.  But I wouldn't.  Firstly, the simple recursive-
> descent function is small and doesn't take long; secondly, I wouldn't
> bet on future changes not causing Element#select to stop working in
> this context -- barring finding documentation saying that it will, of
> course.  I don't know Sizzle well enough to know if it intentionally
> handles this situation.
> [1]https://developer.mozilla.org/en/dom/documentfragment
> [2]http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#ID-B63ED1A3
> HTH,
> --
> T.J. Crowder
> tj / crowder software / com
> Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available
> On Jun 13, 10:04 pm, fufolewe <rentsch.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have a simple problem which is driving me nuts:
> > I would like to make an AJAX req which returns the whole page - select
> > an element by its ID from the response text and update "targetDiv"
> > with this element (myDivID).
> > But it doenst work :/
> > function loadContent(url) {
> >         new Ajax.Request(url, {
> >                         method: 'get',
> >                         onSuccess: function(transport) {
> >                         var response = transport.responseText;
> >                         var element = response.getElementById( 'myDivID');
> >                         $('targetDiv').update(element);
> >                         }
> >         });
> > }
> > Some ideas?
> > thx
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