Hello everybody,

thanks to Mona, who pointed me to the the right direction. The problem
originated in illegal Tags which were forbidden in the XHTML Type.
I surpassed thes Problem by recursively parsing the XML an convert ist
by document.createElement (thuss new Element from Prototype). This
won't work in IE, due to a strange "type missmatch" by appending
childNodes, but in that case my old parser (as seen above) still

I have to tune some performance issues in that, but i will succeed in

If anybody needs the solution don't hesitate to ask vor it. The code
ist far too long to post it here.


On Jul 22, 2:34 pm, Mona Remlawi <mona.reml...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with Colin, but I guess in your case, it looks like you are
> parsing some kind of a service response ..
> Just a bit of explanation, it's only normal that your code breaks when
> you set XHTML as a DOCTYPE since XHTML only identifies and accepts a
> list of valid HTML elements (and your XML document ain't one of them)
> and the rest would just be ignored. Which brings me to the question,
> why embedding your responseXML in your HTML? I haven't worked on
> front-end XML in a long while now, but I am sure that is not the way
> to go.
> I can't advice anymore, just you need to do a bit of reading, probably
> start 
> withhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en/Migrate_apps_from_Internet_Explorer_...
> cheers
> --
> mona
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 1:08 PM, ColinFine<colin.f...@pace.com> wrote:
> > On Jul 22, 6:48 am, ferion <fer...@gmx.de> wrote:
> >> Olla,
> >> is there nobody out there who is able to help me out?
> >> If i'm posting in the wrong forum or if my question is stupid like
> >> shooting in your own foot, please tell this to me.
> >> I'm realy clueless.
> >> Ferion
> > I'm sorry, I have never (well, not since my very first attempt)
> > returned XML from an Ajax call. JSON is much easier to handle.- Hide quoted 
> > text -
> - Show quoted text -
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