Is the password-form submit button a return from procBasketEmail.php?
if so then you should observe it in the OnSuccess callback.  If that
isn't correct chalk it up to me checking this moments after awakening.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 6:23 AM, Ash<> wrote:
> Thanks for the help, I just tried replacing Event.stop(e); with return
> false; in the function but it still submits the form.
> I would prefer to do it the new way anyway, if you would be able to
> help me...
> The first function is called from Event.observe('email-form',
> 'submit', callProcBasketEmail); which is within a function that is
> called when the document loads.
> The question is, where to put the event observe to watch the second
> form.
> My first instinct would be to put it in the function which outputs the
> form EG
> function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
>  var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
>  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
> 'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
>  Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);
>  Event.stop(e);
> }
> (line added just after the ajax function has drawn 'password-form' to
> the screen)
> But this stops the whole function from working - where should the
> observe line be placed to ensure it will work properly?
> Thanks in advance, I think once I get over these initial few hurdles
> of getting to grips with good practices, I will be fine!
> Ashley
> Here is the javascript in full:
> // Attach handler to window load event
> Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);
> function init(){
>    Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);
> }
> function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
>  var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
>  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
> 'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
>  Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);
>  Event.stop(e);
> }
> function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
>  var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');
>  alert(pars);
>  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('password-response',
> 'procBasketPassword.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
>  Event.stop(e);
> }
> On Aug 2, 11:19 am, "T.J. Crowder" <> wrote:
>> Hi Ashley,
>> In the one that's not working, you're using what's called a "DOM0-
>> style" handler -- that's where you're attaching the handler the old-
>> fashioned way, by using an attribute on the form element:
>> >    <form id="password-form" onsubmit="callProcBasketPassword()"
>> > action="procBasketPasswordNoJS.php" method="post">
>> Event.stop works only for handlers registered with more modern methods
>> like the Event.observe you used with your first form.
>> To correct the problem, I'd recommend using Event.observe to set up
>> the handler for the second form as you did with the first.  If there's
>> a reason you can't do that, though, the "DOM0" equivalent of
>> Event.stop is to return false from callProcBasketPassword.
>> HTH,
>> --
>> T.J. Crowder
>> tj / crowder software / com
>> Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available
>> On Aug 1, 4:35 pm, Ash <> wrote:
>> > Hi, I just started my first experiment with AJAX today. Got the basics
>> > working, but when I add a tiny bit more complexity I have a problem,
>> > Event.stop doesn't work properly for me.
>> > I've followed a couple of basic tutorials to submit an e-mail address
>> > to a PHP script, the PHP looks up the e-mail address and if it finds
>> > it, it shows an input to enter a password. This all works fine except
>> > the function with the ajax call to the password PHP script does not
>> > stop the form submitting.
>> > There is probably something very obvious I am doing wrong so hopefully
>> > someone will be able to spot this a mile away! :)
>> > The HTML looks like this, once the second form has been displayed
>> > <form id="email-form" action="procBasketEmailNoJS.php" method="post">
>> > <input id="email" class="texterwide" type="text" name="email"/>
>> > <input id="email-submit" class="button" type="submit" value="Submit"/>
>> > </form>
>> > <div id="email-response">
>> >    we have saved details on file for you, please enter your password
>> > below to retrieve them
>> >    <br/>
>> >    <form id="password-form" onsubmit="callProcBasketPassword()"
>> > action="procBasketPasswordNoJS.php" method="post">
>> >         <input id="password" class="texterwide" type="text"
>> > name="password"/>
>> >         <input id="password-submit" class="button" type="submit"
>> > value="Submit"/>
>> >    </form>
>> > </div>
>> > <div id="password-response" name="password-response"/>
>> > </div>
>> > Here is the ajax.js
>> > // Attach handler to window load event
>> > Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);
>> > function init(){
>> >  Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);
>> > }
>> > function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
>> >  var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
>> >  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
>> > 'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
>> >  Event.stop(e);
>> > }
>> > function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
>> >  var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');
>> > var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('password-response',
>> > 'procBasketPassword.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
>> >  Event.stop(e);
>> > }
>> > When I step through in Firebug I can see that the password-response
>> > div gets filled with the results of the procBasketPassword.php script,
>> > but then the page tries to reload where the form is pointing to -
>> > action="procBasketPasswordNoJS.php".
>> > Event.stop(e); works fine in the first function, but not in the second
>> > one. Please can you help?
>> > Thanks in advance.
>> > Ashley
> >

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