Hi again,

I tried modifying the code, but I'm still running into an error saying
that "the property or method is not supported on this object".

Code snippet as follows:
    var elements = $(frm).select('[validation]');
    for(var i=0; i < elements.length; i++) {
        var el = $(elements[i]);

        // first add validations to the form...
        validations = eval('new Array' + el.getAttribute
That last line gives the error - should I do $(el).getAttribute
I believe that I already extended it setting var el to $(elements[i]),
or am I mistaking?

Also - the attribute 'validation' is set to ({type:'required',
errorMessage:'Vereist Veld'} , {type:'minchars',
errorMessage:'Minimaal 2 karakters vereist', chars: '2'} ,
{type:'maxchars', errorMessage:'Maximaal 63 toegelaten', chars:
'63'} ), which is rendered serverside.  Is there a nicer way to create
an array from this in stead of doing what I do with the eval function?

Again - prototype rules, even for me not being a javascript guru :)


On 17 aug, 18:04, "speedpac...@gmail.com" <speedpac...@gmail.com>
> Wow!
> thanks so much for the response.  I was under the impression that as
> it was already passed to the function as an element and not the id
> reference, it was already extended, but I just learned something new
> then, so thanks for the incredibly fast response.
> I have some other errors on IE, but I'll try to figure them out myself
> as well.
> Again - thanks for the great script and support through these groups!
> David.
> On 17 aug, 17:57, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > You need to run your form reference through $(), e.g.:
> > frm = $(frm);
> > ...in order to get access to the extended methods provided by
> > Prototype.  See this article[1] on the Prototype site for details.
> > [1]http://prototypejs.org/learn/extensions
> > HTH,
> > --
> > T.J. Crowder
> > tj / crowder software / com
> > Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available
> > On Aug 17, 4:34 pm, "speedpac...@gmail.com" <speedpac...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I'm working on our new website, and I love prototypejs for it.
> > > Unfortunately, I seem to be having an issue with Element.select when I
> > > initialise my forms when the page is being opened in IE.
> > > You can check the error 
> > > onhttp://flexin.be/site/nl/Product/details/100011.html&_s=0
> > > Unfortunately, I seem to be unable to fix the issue.  Does anyone have
> > > any idea as to what might be causing this?
> > > FF, as usual just loves the code and renders the page error-free.
> > > Thanks a lot for your assistance!
> > > David.
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