Hi Austin,

if the page is not visible, could you send some portion of code, like
HTML and JS.
Because, it could be so many things !

btw, I had such a problem with multiples elements with identical ID.


On 11 sep, 11:04, Austin <austinhu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm working on a search results page where each result has tabs that
> display/hide info beneath the search result when clicked.  It is
> working perfectly in FF and Chrome, but in IE, the tabs only work
> correctly for the first result.
> Clicking on any tab after the first search result doesn't display the
> info box, but the tab changes color (becomes active).  I also get a JS
> error: 'undefined' is null or not an object.
> I'm using $$ to select all instances of the tab class when clicked.
> If one tab is clicked for one search result and it's info box appears,
> clicking another tab will close any tab first (so that only one info
> box is open at a time for all search results).
> I hope that makes some sense.  The page isn't accessible externally,
> but here's an attempt to give a visual:
> Search Result 1
> tab1 tab2 tab3
> ----------------
> -- info box that appears when a tab is clicked --
> ----------------
> Search Result 2
> tab1 tab2 tab3
> -----------------
> -- info box --
> -----------------
> Anyone have ANY idea why IE thinks beyond the second search result
> tabs are undefined??
> Thanks in advance.
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