If there are divs within the div you want to print, display them too...

div {display:none;} /* Hide all divs */

div.classNameThatYouWantDisplayed div {

I would try that before rewriting anything. It really is a simple solution.

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On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Peter De Berdt
<peter.de.be...@pandora.be> wrote:
> On 23 Sep 2009, at 15:50, Alex McAuley wrote:
> Bill you can...
> div {display:none;} /* Hide all divsĀ */
> div.classNameThatYouWantDisplayed {
> display:block
> }
> Nice and easy
> Not really, since there might be divs in the floating window div, those will
> also be hidden and even if you would use the * selector, there might be
> elements within that div that shouldn't be block level elements.
> The only way I see, is wrapping all other content in a div, then hiding that
> one. That is assuming that the floating window div is inserted at the end of
> the <body> element and not in the middle of the other content (most lightbox
> like scripts will do it that way).
> Best regards
> Peter De Berdt
> >

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