I'm having an issue with Safari and Chrome on a site that I have been
tasked to support and maintain (as in, I didn't design/build this...I
inherited it).


In the sign-up process there are a number of Ajax transactions. Works
great in FF, not working in Safari though. Oddly, it works on my local
development server (Apache 2 on OS X, PHP 5.2.9 as a module)...but
doesn't work on the production server (PHP 5.2.8 on Apache running as

I get this error: Refused to get unsafe header "X-JSON"

I have no idea where the unsafe header is being set or get or
whatever...no idea how to troubleshoot this.

I've searched a little and found that someone else had the same
problem, with no clear indications on what to do about it.

Oddly, I come back to the same URL later...and it DOES work.


Anyone ever run into anything like this before?

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