Hi folks,

I'm trying to get the autocompleter to work as complete as possible.
I'm using Prototype 1.6.1 and script.aculo.us 1.8.2

The script works seemlessly except for one thing: when I try to use
the scrollbar of the results div, it almost immediately disappears,
because an onBlur event is triggered.

I've made a screencast to explain the situation: http://screenr.com/hzB

This problem exists in all major browsers...

I've read a few trac reports over at dev.rubyonrails.org about the
case, but they date back 3 years ago. I figured it should have been
fixed by now if that was reported back then. I tried to implement some
of the fixes proposed, but no success.

Does anyone have a clue to what this might be? Scrolling with the
scrollwheel and moving through the list with the arrow keys is no
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