
I'm a newbie to scriptaculous and prototype. I am trying to create a
slideshow using multiple slides. I am creating multiple child divs
within a parent div using javascript. Next, I am trying to show the
content of these child divs as a slideshow. I am using Effect.Appear()
and Effect.Fade() functions to create this slideshow. It is working
fine, when I am showing one slide at a time. But what I need is to
show multiple slides at a time and the slides should move in a cyclic
manner. the code snippet I have used is as follows -

// Javascript code -

<script type="text/javascript">
                        function add_Div(){
                                var arrlength = 5;
                                for(var i=0;i<arrlength;i++){
                                        var newdiv = 
                                        newdiv.setAttribute('id', 'childdiv'+i);
                                        newdiv.innerHTML = "This is new div"+i;


                        var Slides = new
                        var wait = 3000;
                        var i = 0;
                        function start_slideshow() {
                                setInterval("SlideShow()", wait);  .

                        function SlideShow() {

                                  Effect.Fade(Slides[i], { duration:1, 
from:1.0, to:0.0 });
                                  if (i > 4) i = 0;
                                          Effect.Appear(Slides[i], { 
duration:1, from:0.0, to:
1.0 });



// HTML code -

<body onload="start_slideshow()">
                <div id="mainDiv"></div>

Any idea as to how to implement this would be of great help.



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