I have tried that - same behavior - after the widget renders the
results, the form/page (or whatever is happening) is reset.
I've also tried trapping the mouseup and having it a) return false b)
do nothing (after the mousedown has processed the search) - all to no
avail: form is reset.
The only thing that seems to work is if I put an alert in the mouseup
and don't repsond to it until well after my search results are posted.
So I need a way of no-opping the mouseup event.
Any ideas anyone?
what is 'ihm' BTW?

On Jun 24, 2:17 am, Eric <lefauv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Have you consider using mouseup instead of mousedown?
> This is indeed how "standard ihm buttons" works.
> It doesn't explain or justify IE8's behavior, but if it works, you can
> hit two birds with one stone.
> Eric
> On Jun 24, 1:55 am, max radin <max.tomlin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi-
> > I have a search widget class written in prototype that's been running
> > fine for a couple of years now in FF and IE6+7. The user enters search
> > parms, clicks a button and an ajax interaction (using jboss seam)
> > retrieves data from a host server class (Java). The results are
> > populated into a div and rendered using Element.show. The search
> > widget is flexible enough to be used in multiple pages. The button
> > event fired is onmousedown.
> > The problem I am having with IE8 is that the mouseup event is being
> > invoke and reloading the form (which contains the search widget). If I
> > keep the button pressed down, the results display fine. Once I let the
> > button go (mouseup) my form is reloaded. I've tried intercepting the
> > mouseup event but it only nullifies the mousedown. I'm using the
> > latest prototype.js (1.7x and have tried multiple versions).
> > Any ideas?
> > many thanks
> > Max

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