>From searching and looking at the API docs, doesn't look like
prototype is able to do this, but I thought I would ask anyway in case
some one has an idea.

I have a generic form generator library and in the forms generated, I
need to be able to absolutely position a "help" div next to an image
of a question mark.

I need this to work in the following cases:

1. the form is on a page by itself
2. the form is in a lightbox (which is absolutely positioned)
3. the form is in a scrollable div on a page by itself
4. the form is in a scrollable div INSIDE a lightbox (which is also

Basically, this requires me find a uniform way to get the absolute
position of the question mark image.

positionedOffset works for 1 and 2.  For 4 I have to use
positionedOffset along with cumulativeScrollOffset and do some math.
Is there a way to get the absolute position no matter which one of
these cases?


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