Just a hunch, but see if your page is valid at http:// validator.w3.org. Also, check to see if you removed padding from the UL and the LI and margin from the LI. Although, if it looks correct to you without the script, then I'm not sure why that could be it.


On Mar 16, 2011, at 6:56 AM, PartisanEntity wrote:

Hi again,

Now this time I cleared the cache before  posting here.

My list looks as follows:

<li><a href="#">Link</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Link</a></li>

Using CSS I have removed the list-style-type as well as any indenting.

In Firefox it works.

In IE8 however there is a left indent of at least 10px.

Strangely enough this indent only appears when I link to the .js file
in the head of the document. Without the javascript, there is no
indent in IE8.

Does this indent have something to do with the JavaScript?

On Mar 15, 11:43 am, PartisanEntity <partisanent...@gmail.com> wrote:
You guys are going to kill me.

I cleared the browser cache, and it's working in IE8 too, I'm so sorry
for wasting your time :)

On Mar 15, 11:02 am, PartisanEntity <partisanent...@gmail.com> wrote:

Sorry that was just a typo from me.

It is document.observe...

On Mar 15, 10:49 am, David Behler <d.beh...@gmail.com> wrote:

You might wanna try
instead of


Am 15.03.2011 10:34, schrieb PartisanEntity:

Sorry just to clarify:

Line 3 Char3 is the first line of your function. So it's the line
starting with: document.observer(.....

On Mar 15, 10:04 am, PartisanEntity<partisanent...@gmail.com> wrote:
The link is currently behind a firewall so I can't post it. But here
is what IE says:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/
4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR
3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR
3.5.30729; MS-RTC LM 8)
Timestamp: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 09:01:36 UTC

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method
Line: 3
Char: 3
Code: 0

On Mar 14, 5:46 pm, Walter Lee Davis<wa...@wdstudio.com>  wrote:

And you also loaded Prototype and Scriptaculous before that, in that order, right? Can you post a link? I have IE8 with a debugger enabled
here on a VM, I could see if any errors suggest themselves.
On Mar 14, 2011, at 12:20 PM, PartisanEntity wrote:
The list is displayed in its entirety without animations.
It's almost as if the JavaScript it being ignored completely in IE8. I pasted your JavaScript into a file which I called newslist.js.
I linked to it in the head section of my html file like so:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.test.com/_includes/
On Mar 14, 3:43 pm, Walter Lee Davis<wa...@wdstudio.com> wrote:
No, but please define doesn't work. Does the animation fail, does the
text not change...?
On Mar 14, 2011, at 8:34 AM, PartisanEntity wrote:
Hi Walter,
Thanks so much for this. It is working perfectly.
There is only one issue I am having:
While it works in Firefox and Safari, I tried using IE8 and noticed
that it works on one computer, but not on another.
Do you have any experiences with this script and IE8, anything to
watch out for?
On Mar 12, 5:02 pm, Walter Lee Davis<wa...@wdstudio.com> wrote:
Here's a cut-down version of the code generated by my NewsCycle
in for Softpress Freeway.
         var newsSource = $('yourListId');
         var delayBetweenItems = 3;
         var effectSpeed = 0.6;
         var tag =
         var data =
         var news = newsSource.down(tag).show();
         var index = 0;
         var newsCycle = function(){
                 index = (++index>= data.length ? 0 : index)
                 new Effect.Fade(news,{
                                 new Effect.BlindDown(news,{
duration:effectSpeed, beforeStart:function(){
You need prototype and scriptaculous effects in the page first, obviously, and you need to fill in the id of your list. My plug-in
extra code to make it "list agnostic", so you could simplify this a lot if you knew that your effect was only ever being applied to a list. You could also use this as written on a DIV with a bunch of P tags in it, or a DIV with a bunch of DIVs in it -- there's no end
the possible combinations.
On Mar 11, 2011, at 11:35 AM, PartisanEntity wrote:
Hi all,
I am relatively new to scriptaculous and would like to know if the
following is possible.
I would like to create a list of news items on my website.
Instead of showing all items in my<ul> list, I would like for
item to appear using the slide "down effect", then for it to
and for the next item to appear by sliding down.
Is this possible?
Has this been done before, perhaps there is some code I could copy
I have no idea how to build something like this.
Thank you very much for you time and effort.
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