
Can you put together a minimalist, self-contained example that
demonstrates the problem and post it to jsbin.com or jsfiddle.net or
something? (You can't use document.write there, but you can append
paragraphs to the page or some such.)

BTW, your code to loop through the `aPlaylist` array isn't quite right
(but I don't think that's the actual problem). If you use `for..in` to
loop through the array's elements, you have to do some checks because
arrays can have properties other than array indexes, which will break
your code. Details here:

Fundamentally, I don't see a problem other than the above with what
you've quoted. Seems to work:

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Engineer
tj / crowder software / com
www / crowder software / com

On Mar 28, 3:21 pm, Björn Bartels <bbd...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> hi there,
> i know this is generic JS und it is only occuring in IE7, but i hope you can
> help me though...
> i have an array/list of objects like
> [
>     {
>         name : 'blah blah',
>         mp3 : 'http://server.tld/song.mp3',
>         ....
>     },
>     .....
> ]
> when i do a for-in loop over such an object, i get its keys and values as it
> should be...
> but, the next line, when i try to access the objects' properties 'directly'
> like
>     oTrack.mp3    or     oTrack['mp3']
> all IE(7) outputs is a unsatisfying 'undefined'... (please, see the code
> below for further details)
> any ideas anyone, please?
> YT
> BB
> <code>
> for ( iTrack in aPlaylist ) {
> var oTrack = aPlaylist[iTrack];
> for ( mData in oTrack ) {
>  document.write('' + iTrack + ', ' + mData + ', ' + oTrack[mData] + '<br />');
> // everything seems fine, all keys, all values
> }
> document.write('' + iTrack + ', ' + oTrack.mp3 + '<br />');    // nothing is
> fine, outputs 'undefined' for any property
> document.write('' + iTrack + ', ' + oTrack['mp3'] + '<br />'); // ...
> }
> </code>

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