On May 2, 2012, at 6:35 AM, Edward Nygma wrote:

> Hello welcome to my application to see the problem please visit the
> link above, please click 'login' where the user and pass are already
> entered. You will be taken to the dashboard, then click the blue link
> 'Nick Fish' and on the following page 'Edit invoice'. You should see a
> large form for invoicing, this is the Prototype functionality that
> needs to be viewed.
> Please enter a number into the 'qty' or 'price' fields of the table
> and notice a returned numeric total, but if a letter or something that
> isn't a number is typed into the input boxes, NaN is returned in
> multiple boxes which isn't every user friendly.
> Are there any simple revisions I can make to my prototype code below
> that prompt/ensure some validation of numbers entered into 'qty' and
> 'price' or replace the NaN that is returned with 'error enter a
> number'?

Unless 0 is a valid entry, maybe you could add parseInt or parseFloat to the 

var amount = parseFloat($F('your_field'));
if(! amount > 0){
        //your error here
        //do something here


> var Invoice = Class.create({
>    line_item_number: 1,
>    initialize: function(html, item) {
>       this.line_item_html = html
>       this.line_item_number = item
>       this.validate();
>    },
>    is_valid: function() {
>      return ($F('InvoiceClientId') != '' && this.total() > 0)
>    },
>    validate: function() {
>      if(this.is_valid())
>      {
>        Field.enable('save');
>        $('note').style.display = 'none'
>        return true
>      }
>      else
>      {
>         Field.disable('save')
>         $('note').style.display = ''
>         return false
>      }
>    },
>    indexed_line_item_html: function() {
>      return this.line_item_html.replace(/INDEX_ID/g,
> this.line_item_number)
>    },
>    add_line_item: function() {
>      $('items').insert(this.indexed_line_item_html())
>      $('Item'+String(this.line_item_number)+'Quantity').focus()
>      this.line_item_number++
>    },
>    remove_line_item: function(index) {
>      Element.remove(index)
>      this.refresh()
>    },
>    to_money: function(amount) {
>      return Number(amount).toFixed(2)
>    },
>    sub_total: function() {
>     var In = this
>     return $$('.item').inject(0, function(sum, row) {
>      var quantity = Number($F('Item' + row.id + 'Quantity'))
>      var price = Number($F('Item' + row.id + 'Price'))
>      var line_total = quantity * price
>      $('Item' + row.id + 'Quantity').value = In.to_money(quantity)
>      $('Item' + row.id + 'Price').value = In.to_money(price)
>      $('Item' + row.id + 'Total').update('£' +
> In.to_money(line_total))
>      return sum + line_total
>     })
>    },
>    tax: function() {
>     var tax_rate = Number($F('InvoiceTaxRate')) // passes in an item
>     var taxable_amount = this.sub_total()
>     tax_total = Math.round((tax_rate * 0.01 * taxable_amount) *
> 1000) / 1000
>     return Math.round(tax_total * 100) / 100
>    },
>    total: function() {
>       return this.sub_total() + this.tax()
>    },
>    refresh: function() {
>     $('subtotal').update('£' + this.to_money(this.sub_total()))
>     $('total').update('£' + this.to_money(this.total()))
>     $('tax').update('£' + this.to_money(this.tax()))
>     this.validate();
>    }
> });
> -- 
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