Ioksan i have the same homework,did you find the solution?and can you post 
it her?

On Monday, 23 February 2015 16:28:10 UTC+1, ioksan wrote:
> Hy guys.
> I have a homework that says something like that:
> "Create a class called Person with the attributes id, name, surname. 
> Create another class called Student that inherits the class Persons and 
> also has it`s own two attributes: id_card and average.
> Implement at least 2 methods in Person class and 1 method in Student class.
> Call all 3 methods after creating the instance of Student class."
> I managed to create this:
> "<html>
>     <head>
>     <script>
> // Definim clasa persoana
> function persoana(nume, prenume, cnp) {
>     this.nume = nume;
>     this.prenume = prenume;
>     this.cnp = cnp;
> }
> // definim o metoda pentru afisarea numelui complet
> persoana.prototype.arataNume = function() {
> return this.nume + " " + this.prenume;
> };
> // definim o metoda pentru afisarea cnp-ului
> persoana.prototype.arataCNP = function() {
> return this.cnp;
> };
> // Definim clasa student
> function student(nume, prenume, cnp, nr_carnet, medie) {
> // constructor parinte
>, nume, prenume, cnp);
> // proprietati publice si proprii pentru student
>     this.nr_carnet = nr_carnet;
>     this.medie = medie;
> }
> // Mostenim de la clasa persoana
> student.prototype = Object.create(persoana.prototype);
> // Definim o metoda pentru clasa student metoda prin care de fapt 
> suprascriem metoda parinte arataNume si afisam in plus si numarul de carnet
> student.prototype.arataNume = function() {
> return "Student: " + this.nume + " " + this.prenume + " - Numar carnet: " 
> + this.nr_carnet;
> };
> // Definire metoda pentru afisare medie student
> student.prototype.medieStudent = function() {
> return this.medie;
> };
> // instantiem si rulam metodele
> var unStudent = new student("xyz","abc","7432943929393", "122", "8");
> alert(unStudent.arataNume());
> alert("CNP student: " + unStudent.arataCNP());
> alert("Medie student: " + unStudent.medieStudent());
> </script>
> </head>
> <body>
> </body>
> </html>"
> The problem is that my professor refused my homework because I didn`t use 
> PrototypeJS.
> Can you help me converting this code? I didn`t understood his request and 
> by browsing this page I could`t understand much:
> "http://prototypejs.o...nheritance.html 
> <>"
> Thanks.

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