Hi there,

Just click on the « Ajax section » header in the left column (the black one). 
That will link you to : http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/ajax/ 

In there, you’ll find what you’re looking for…

Ajax options

All Ajax classes share a common set of options and callbacks. Callbacks are 
called at various points in the life-cycle of a request, and always feature the 
same list of arguments.
Common options

asynchronous (Boolean; default true): Determines whether XMLHttpRequest is used 
asynchronously or not. Synchronous usage is strongly discouraged — it halts all 
script execution for the duration of the request and blocks the browser UI.
contentType (String <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/language/String/>; 
default application/x-www-form-urlencoded): The Content-type header for your 
request. Change this header if you want to send data in another format (like 
encoding (String <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/language/String/>; default 
UTF-8): The encoding for the contents of your request. It is best left as-is, 
but should weird encoding issues arise, you may have to tweak this.
method (String <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/language/String/>; default 
post): The HTTP method to use for the request. The other common possibility is 
get. Abiding by Rails conventions, Prototype also reacts to other HTTP verbs 
(such as put and delete) by submitting via post and adding a extra _method 
parameter with the originally-requested method.
parameters (String <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/language/String/>): The 
parameters for the request, which will be encoded into the URL for a get 
method, or into the request body for the other methods. This can be provided 
either as a URL-encoded string, a Hash 
<http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/language/Hash/>, or a plain Object 
postBody (String <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/language/String/>): 
Specific contents for the request body on a post method. If it is not provided, 
the contents of the parameters option will be used instead.
requestHeaders (Object <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/language/Object/>): A 
set of key-value pairs, with properties representing header names.
evalJS (Boolean | String <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/language/String/>; 
default true): Automatically evals the content of Ajax.Response#responseText 
if the Content-type returned by the server is set to one of text/javascript, 
application/ecmascript (matches expression 
(text|application)\/(x-)?(java|ecma)script). If the request doesn't obey 
same-origin policy, the content is not evaluated. If you need to force 
evalutation, pass 'force'. To prevent it altogether, pass false.
evalJSON (Boolean | String 
<http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/language/String/>; default true): 
Automatically evals the content of Ajax.Response#responseText 
and populates Ajax.Response#responseJSON 
with it if the Content-type returned by the server is set to application/json. 
If the request doesn't obey same-origin policy, the content is sanitized before 
evaluation. If you need to force evalutation, pass 'force'. To prevent it 
altogether, pass false.
sanitizeJSON (Boolean; default is false for same-origin requests, true 
otherwise): Sanitizes the contents of Ajax.Response#responseText 
before evaluating it.
Common callbacks

When used on individual instances, all callbacks (except onException) are 
invoked with two parameters: the Ajax.Response 
<http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/ajax/Ajax/Response/> object and the result 
of evaluating the X-JSONresponse header, if any (can be null).
For another way of describing their chronological order and which callbacks are 
mutually exclusive, see Ajax.Request 
onCreate: Triggered when the Ajax.Request 
<http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/ajax/Ajax/Request/> object is initialized. 
This is after the parameters and the URL have been processed, but before 
opening the connection via the XHR object.
onUninitialized (Not guaranteed): Invoked just after the XHR object is created.
onLoading (Not guaranteed): Triggered when the underlying XHR object is being 
setup, and its connection opened.
onLoaded (Not guaranteed): Triggered once the underlying XHR object is setup, 
the connection is open, and it is ready to send its actual request.
onInteractive (Not guaranteed): Triggered whenever the requester receives a 
part of the response (but not the final part), should it be sent in several 
onSuccess: Invoked when a request completes and its status code is undefined or 
belongs in the 2xy family. This is skipped if a code-specific callback is 
defined (e.g., on200), and happens before onComplete.
onFailure: Invoked when a request completes and its status code exists but is 
not in the 2xy family. This is skipped if a code-specific callback is defined 
(e.g. on403), and happens before onComplete.
onXYZ (with XYZ representing any HTTP status code): Invoked just after the 
response is complete if the status code is the exact code used in the callback 
name. Preventsexecution of onSuccess and onFailure. Happens before onComplete.
onException: Triggered whenever an XHR error arises. Has a custom signature: 
the first argument is the requester (i.e. an Ajax.Request 
<http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/ajax/Ajax/Request/> instance), and the 
second is the exception object.
onComplete: Triggered at the very end of a request's life-cycle, after the 
request completes, status-specific callbacks are called, and possible automatic 
behaviors are processed. Guaranteed to run regardless of what happened during 
the request.


> Le 11 juil. 2016 à 10:34, Adam Nielsen <adam.niel...@uq.edu.au> a écrit :
> Hi all,
> If I go to the Prototype documentation and click on Ajax.Request, it gives me 
> a nice summary with a few basic examples.
> On that page it says "As you can see under the "Ajax options" heading of the 
> Ajax <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/ajax/Ajax/>, Prototype's AJAX objects 
> define a whole slew of callbacks" - however on that URL I can't see any 
> documentation about the available options.
> If instead I look at the Ajax.Request constructor 
> <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/ajax/Ajax/Request/new/> documentation, it 
> says about the options parameter "Configuration for the request. See the Ajax 
> <http://prototypejs.org/doc/latest/ajax/Ajax/> for more information."  The 
> link just goes back to the main Ajax page where I can't see any info about 
> the available options.
> Am I missing something, or is there no documentation about the Ajax.Request 
> options?
> Thanks,
> Adam.
> -- 
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