On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Jacobo Tarrio wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Francisco Xose Vazquez Grandal wrote:
> >     Se quero que a traduccion do manual sexa oficial teño que mandar o
> > Translation Disclaimer ese. E que o estiven lendo e dame a impresion de
>  ¿GNOME é GNU?

        Extracto do ficheiro "/usr/doc/libgnome32/copyright" da versión
1.0.10 de GNOME:


The GNOME libraries (libgnome, libgnomeui, gtk-xmhtml and libgtktty) are
released under the terms of the LGPL license, read the file COPYING.LIB

The rest of the code is released under the terms of the GPL license,
read the file COPYING for more information. 
 /_) \/ / /  email: mailto:r...@mundivia.es
/ \  / (_/   www  : http://programacion.mundivia.es/ryu
[ GGL developer ] & [ IRCore developer ] & [ GPUL member ]

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