Awesome, that fixed it!

Many thanks for answering this and my last question.

On 07/06/2014 6:07 PM, Michael Rash wrote:

On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 1:18 PM, 3Turtles < <>> wrote:

    PSAD isn't starting automatically on system startup (even though
    the startup script exists in /etc/init.d/psad).  I
    have it installed on 2 different server boxes and the issue exists
    on both.  The OS's are Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS and PSAD 2.2.3 was
    from source.

Ubuntu 14.04 uses the upstart daemon. Did you install psad with the <> script from the psad sources? You will probably need to copy the init-scripts/upstart/psad.conf file to /etc/default as well. Trying running 'update-rc.d psad defaults' manually.


    I tried adding Ubuntu style startup parameters to the
    /etc/init.d/psad  file (see below), but it didn't fix it.

         ### BEGIN INIT INFO
         # Provides:          psad
         # Required-Start:    $network
         # Required-Stop:     $network
         # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
         # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
         # X-Start-Before:    $syslog
         # Short-Description: PSAD (psad)
         # Description:       PSAD (psad) init script
         ### END INIT INFO

    Any idea how i can fix this?

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