Fine folks at PSAS,

I agree with Dave, there is always some douchebag that will want to mess with 
it, even if for no good reason. And effort-hours are usually even more 
important than costs in most of what the PSAS does.

I have some comments to add to this too:

- Document the procedure of mounting the airframe to hanging apparatus

  --Show our method of lifting and attaching airframe / hanging apparatus to 
place, and attachment to cables etc.

I agree with Jeremy, we should do all this. I recommend further enhancing the 
geekiness (a plus in the rocket scientist business) of the display by calling 
the hanging apparatus the Mobile Pad Erector. First off, this correlates to 
what the big boys really do when they take a Delta IV or Russian Proton booster 
from horiz to vertical; their rocket is already stacked except for the payload. 
 Also, it sounds vaguely dirty, and that is also a plus.  ;-)

Rocketman Ray

[] On Behalf Of Dave Camarillo 
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2010 9:18 PM
To: Jeremy Booth
Subject: Re: [PSAS] Info on Hanging the Rocket

We should consider hanging the 2nd's of our parts, or the 1-gen old versions of 
parts. This would allow us to continue easy development on the latest versions 
of the various components, but still have the aww factor of the full rocket... 
We have doubles of many of these components already... I think it would just 
take a nosecone and fins and we'd have somthing to hang... Ben is working on a 
fancy new fin clamping mechanism, and perhaps when that's done we can upgrade 
to that, and hang the current set...

Mounting wise, there are plenty of good mount points on the airframe to affix 
cables to...

In regards to damage to the rocket, the materials cost isn't all that high. 
It's the person-hours invested thats of more value... If it gets damaged, lost, 
stolen or whatever, and it's a critical part, it's a setback of months to 
years... Thus my thoughts on displaying the 1-gen old hardware...

On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 5:01 PM, Jeremy Booth 
<<>> wrote:

Great News, Everyone!

I spoke with Don today, and it sounds like they are pretty excited to have us 
put the airframe up for display.

He was happier with the idea of hanging it than setting it on a standing 
display, for all of the same reasons that we originally looked at that option 
(looks great, is a standard, loss prevention, doesn't require floor space)

We'd all love to see this up ASAP, but Don was pretty understanding that we 
might not be able to allocate much in the way of resources to this until after 
the upcoming launch.

It looks like the key requirements that we will need to meet are:


--Doesn't fall / sufficient strength of mounts and cables

--Placed to avoid vandalism

--Doesn't interfere with lighting

-Due diligence

--Need a thorough plan / drawings

--If we make a model (solidworks or other) we should present it

-Process of Installation

--Document the procedure of mounting the airframe to hanging apparatus

--Show our method of lifting and attaching airframe / hanging apparatus to 
place, and attachment to cables etc.

--Show our method of retrieving the airframe, if we intend to do that on any 
but an emergency basis. (but let's show it anyway)

-Explanatory Display Placard

--Plaque or small poster explaining the mission and constituency of the group, 
and the affiliation with PSU

--Clear, succinct and professional document

--PSU Logo should be included

--School is happy to help with this item (which sounds a lot like "want's to 
make sure it looks decent") and will likely cover printing


We also get to put up an Explanatory Display Placard!

Won't need to move regularly!  Don expects we'd only need to move it in extreme 
circumstance, and not at all for regular events.  The need to relocate was only 
due to floorspace constraints.

Damage to the airframe due to theft or vandalism may be covered by the school's 
insurance (but probably only if it's "PSU Property") if so, note that there is 
a $2500 deductible, and we'd be on the hook for that in the extremely unlikely 
event we'd want to file a claim.

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