Ha! that's awesome. Woah, 14 years ago... I don't think we had dialing
back then, wasn't it rotary? Or was it operator assisted calls... ;)


On 06/15/2011 12:33 AM, Glenn LeBrasseur wrote:
> I was doing some email archeology and found this silly message; fun!
> I think this the first email to the group?
> Also I think it was before Oregon required 10 digit dialing?
> =================
> Message 2700:
> From j...@ee.pdx.edu  Mon Jun 30 09:41:47 1997
> Subject: Calling all Aerospace Nerds!!
> (34 lines) More? [ynq]
> Hi!
> We're going to start a student branch of the IEEE Aerospace and Electrical
> Systems Society (AESS) here at PSU. Basically, we need 12 IEEE
> student members (we can sign you up for the IEEE at the same time) in
> order to start the society. If you are:
> - interested in space-based applications including
>   - Sattelite communications,
>   - Robotic exploration of the solar system,
>   - SETI,
>   - Astrophysics and Cosmology,
>   - Rocket Science (ha!),
> - interested in aeronautics including
>   - commercial plane design,
>   - GPS and other related aeronautic electronics,
> - interested in touring really cool facilities around the Portland
>   and Seattle area,
> - doing ridiculus things in the name of science (like launching
>   12ft high powered rockets with self-created electronic payloads),
> ... then consider joining the society! Please email me (Andrew) at
> j...@ee.pdx.edu if you are interested (or call me at xxx-xxxx).
> Andrew Greenberg
> (also the IEEE Store Dictator)
> j...@ee.pdx.edu
> xxx-xxxx
> ====================

Andrew Greenberg

Portland State Aerospace Society (http://psas.pdx.edu/)
and...@psas.pdx.edu  P: 503.788.1343  C: 503.708.7711

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