Armadillo had two flights go bad on them recently. Here is a selection
of quotes and some ideas that struck me while reading their report.

"Things that can't be tested before freeflight, like roll response,
need to be more carefully analyzed and simulated."
"Engine gimbal mounts need to be much stronger than their expected
loading. Moving away from a screw in a cantilevered beam may be
"Having a hard stop in the engine gimbal mechanism other than the hard
stops inside the linear actuators would limit how quickly the rocket
can go out of control, reducing aero loading. The engine went to
something like 45 degrees, where 3 degrees would be a sufficient
maximum for a vertical takeoff with no translation."
"Most of the cameras on this vehicle were installed with the intention
of documenting the hardware, rather than the view. In a nominal flight
this is less useful, but for initial test flights this should be
"There should be at least informal crew rest requirements."
"The pressure drop of the secondary film cooling system should be
tested. Just as it would in the main injector, if the pressure drop is
too low it can cause or reinforce feed system and/or engine

My takeaways:
 - Focus on the water-cooled, steam-driven engine as innovative
approach to heat transfer management. Film cooling is boring and hurts
Isp. I am going to pursue a heat-transfer analysis of the water-cooled
steam-driven engine in my thermo/fluids class.
 - 6DoF should consider hard-stops for the fins.
 - We should consider treating Vision as its own category of projects.
Documenting views on the way up is good for publicity, but I would
like to propose that for the next launch we attempt to get cameras on
every mechanical system.

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