Hi PSAS folks!

Chicktech, an all-girls STEM out reach program, desperately needs help
this Saturday. If you have some Arduino and circuity knowledge, and some
time on Saturday to help out, see below!

Thank you!


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Volunteer for Chicktech this weekend
Date:   Thu, 6 Oct 2016 13:44:27 -0700
From:   Christopher Clark <cjcl...@pdx.edu>
To:     psas-t...@pdx.edu, epl-manag...@cecs.pdx.edu, Viking Motorsports
<psu....@gmail.com>, Andrew Greenberg <a...@ece.pdx.edu>

Hello all,

Chicktech needs help this weekend.  They have not gotten any volunteers
signed up on Saturday to help out with this workshop they are doing.
Mostly they just need your time and energy.  You don't necessarily have
to know electronics.  But the event does last from 8:30 to 5 PM and I
know that is a long day for a saturday with very short notice.
If you can help out I would owe you a huge favor which may constitute
beers or dinner or something of this nature.
Here is their official release:
ChickTech is working on our first retail product - an Arduino wearables
kit for middle school and high school girls!  If you've happened to see
the Soft Circuits workshop we hold at our annual kickoff or middle
school camp, this is the workshop in kit form.  On Saturday, October 8,
we are holding a testing session for the kits where we'll have girls
come in and work through the kits.  We need adult volunteers to help run
this event by observing the girls, asking questions, and taking notes on
their progress.  If you have any experience with Arduino, soft circuits,
or UX/product testing, that would be helpful but it is not required.

Please see this form <https://goo.gl/forms/E6R2TsJLZMPgdI5d2> for more
details and fill it out if you are interested.

Chris Clark
Program Director for the L.I.D.
psu-epl.github.io <http://psu-epl.github.io>

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